Scroll below to explore our area created especially for our pupils, including:

School Council:
Our School Council have a very important role within school, representing the views and voice of each class. They will help vote on important issues and discuss with the Principal how we can make improvements within our school and local community.
2024-2025 School Council:
Year 1 - Freya, Hugo, Vasu, Tommy, Phoenix, Benjamin
Year 2 - Emaline, Christopher, Helena, Jack
Year 3 - Daniel, Carrissa, Aiden, Denise
Year 4 - Frankie B, Philip, Bella, Alex A
Year 5 - Jackson, Oliver, Kai, Lily, Leon, Ava-Rose
Year 6 - Kaile, Gracie, Eric and Adaline
Latest School Council Updates:
Visit our School Life & Learning Blog for all updates.

Our Eco-Schools journey
The Eco-Schools programme has a simple framework which provides the tools to promote and develop sustainability throughout the school.
The Eco-Schools framework consists of seven elements:
1. Eco-Committee
2. Environmental Review
3. Action Plan
4. Involving the whole school and wider community
5. Linking to the curriculum
6. Monitoring and evaluation
7. Eco-Code
There are nine topics to choose from and energy is now a compulsory topic. The Eco Force team have chosen to focus on Energy, School Grounds and Waste.
Nine topics:
1. Energy
2. Water
3. Biodiversity
4. School grounds
5. Healthy living
6. Transport
7. Litter
8. Waste
9. Global citizenship
Look out for updates via our School Life & Learning Blog on how we strive to keep our school community ECO-friendly.
Latest ECO Updates:
Click here to visit our School Life & Learning Blog for all updates.

Always be careful when you are using the internet. It can help you to keep in touch with your friends and help your education – but it can also cause harm – to you and to others.
Remember help is always available at school if you are having any problems online.
Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher or another adult at school.
Here are some useful tools to help you better understand E-Safety:
Click Here for Ages 4-7
Click Here for Ages 8-10
Click Here for Ages 11-13

House Points Tally
House Captains 2022-2023
Our Lady
House Captain - Nikola
House Vice-Captain - Nadia
Sports Captain - tbc
Sacred Heart
House Captain - Ava
House Vice-Captain - Daniel K.
Sports Captain - tbc
St Joseph
House Captain - Scarlett E.
House Vice-Captain - Gabby
Sports Captain - tbc
St John
House Captain - Shakyra
House Vice-Captain -Scarlett S.
Sports Captain - tbc

School Blog:
Use the link below to visit our school life & learning blog to see posts about our adventures in and out of school.
Click here to visit our blog.

School of Sanctuary:
Everybody is welcome at Holy Family Primary.
Holy Family Primary School are proud to have achieved a “School of Sanctuary Award!”
We are so pleased that The Schools of Sanctuary awarding panel have recognised what a welcoming and special place Holy Family is.
Achieving School of Sanctuary status is a rigorous process which acknowledges the school’s commitment to embracing values that are seated in equal worth of all. This has taken all of the school community on a journey, focussing on supporting local basic needs, discussions and action around the need to spread opportunity and life chances and finally, to target and challenge unjustified inequalities. Pupils and staff at Holy Family have worked tirelessly to ensure our school community is a safe, warm and welcoming haven for all, where learners thrive.
As part of their work towards the award, pupils have learned more sanctuary for those at home and across the globe. They have learned about the plight of refugees and asylum seekers around the world. Our children are united in their aim to ensure that our school is a place of refuge for all those in need.