Year 2 blog:
Catching stars in writing
Have you ever dreamt of catching your very own star? If you have, Year 2 have the perfect machines for you! They have been writing persuasive adverts for their very own star catchers, inspired by the story 'How to catch a star' by Oliver Jeffers. They used rhetorical questions, statements and conjunctions to persuade the reader that their star catcher was the best on the market!
Money, money, money
Over the two weeks, the children saved up coins in piggy banks, which they could spend on something in the 'Maths Shop'. By setting up a shop, the children were able to spend their money and check they were being given the right change. It was lovely to see the children learning something new, as well as applying their place value knowledge to add and subtract their coins. Some children started to deepen their knowledge to find change when buying multiple items from the shop, showing their understanding of one step and two step maths problems.
Exploring St. Lucia
This half term, Year 2 have embraced their role as geographers, sharpening their map skills and using their impressive retrieval of prior knowledge to pinpoint the location of St Lucia in the world. Through a thoughtful investigation, they connected their science and geography knowledge to identify that the focus of our study, St. Lucia, is located in the heart of the Caribbean. Using various resources, such as aerial photographs, satellite images and digital maps, they have explored the island and identified some of the unique characteristics of St. Lucia, while linking their understanding of capital cities to compare London with Castries.