Year 3 Blog
This term, we have been looking at the text, Guess who’s coming for dinner? This has inspired us to write our own invitation to persuade guests to come to our luxurious mansions for a weekend of delightful leisure pursuits, free of charge of course. Just take care that you don’t end up on the dinner menu at the aptly named Eatem Hall!
This week, the children were greeted by a crime scene in the library filled with duck feathers and paw prints - who did they belong to? What had happened? This was an exciting hook for our new topic, writing a recount as Glenda or Dr Hunter from Guess who’s coming for dinner? This time we will be jumping into the characters shoes and explaining the events from their point of view. Who is in the right, who is in the wrong and where did Dr Hunter mysteriously disappear to?
Over the past few weeks, we have been learning all about multiplication. Using practical resources we have made arrays to help us develop our conceptual understanding of multiplication and understand it as ‘...groups of…’. We have also been using Frayer models to explore multiplication including the relationship with repeated addition and developed our understanding of the commutative law (that multiplication can be carried out in any order). The children have also challenged themselves to learn their times tables and recall them as rapidly as possible. In particular they have been working on their recall of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
GOAL! To help the England football team with a regime to ensure they are staying just as healthy as us, we have learned all about the human body! We started by exploring what is holding us together … our skeleton! Then we began to identify the different muscles and explore how they are able to move. Just imagine what a body would look like with no bones! Towards the end of our unit, we are exploring how to keep our bodies healthy by understanding what a balanced diet consists of and what exercises we can do to keep on moving.