Year 5 blog:

Our Year 5 children have had an action-packed and enriching term, diving into a wide range of subjects with enthusiasm and determination.

In Writing, the class wrapped up their Piano Man writing unit, where they challenged themselves to write vivid descriptions of flashbacks. Using a variety of figurative language and characterisation, the children created scenes that captured nostalgia, loneliness and hopefulness. Their writing skills have certainly blossomed, as they have incorporated techniques to bring their characters and settings to life.

In Maths, the focus has been on decimals, with children working diligently to round, add and subtract decimal numbers. The children have demonstrated impressive persistence as they tackle these concepts, beginning to attempt word problems to reinforce their understanding. Their mathematical confidence continues to grow and they are well on their way to mastering decimals!

Meanwhile, in History, Year 5 have been revisiting the Victorians. They have explored continuity and change across the Victorian era and examined the reliability of historical sources. Through this, they have gained deeper insights into how history is shaped by different perspectives and how we can assess the validity of the information we learn.

Lastly, in Geography, Year 5 have embarked on an exciting new unit all about global trade. They have been exploring the journey of food products, looking closely at food packaging to understand where our food comes from and how far it travels. The children have been considering the environmental and economic effects of global trade, learning how interconnected our world truly is.

It’s been a fantastic term of learning and growth for our Year 5 children and we cannot wait to see what they accomplish next!


Ash Wednesday Liturgy:


Reading Ambassadors: