Year 2 Blog

As the term draws to a close, we wanted to share the exciting adventures and remarkable progress your children have made in Year 2. From the enchanting world of magical stories to the exploration of the Titanic's history and the wonders of mini beasts in science, it has been a term filled with growth, learning, and excitement. Here's a snapshot of what your children have been up to this term.

This term, your children have been captivated by magical stories that have sparked their imaginations and language skills. They have been learning to use adjectives, which make their narratives more engaging and vivid. Through analysing various texts, they have discovered how authors effectively create enchanting worlds. This has expanded their vocabulary and helped their creativity, allowing them to craft their own magical tales.

In history, they have been exploring the sinking of the Titanic. They have delved into the stories of the passengers and crew, exploring the cause and effect of different actions, such as the captain's decision to ignore iceberg warnings. By examining these scenarios, your children have gained a deeper understanding of the consequences of choices. They have also explored the different accommodations on the ship, developing empathy for people from various backgrounds.

In science, the children have embarked on a thrilling journey into the natural world through the study of mini beasts. Equipped with magnifying glasses, they have gone on mini beast hunts, observing and documenting their fascinating findings. These hands-on experiences have not only developed their scientific observation skills but also fostered a sense of wonder and appreciation of nature.

As we reflect on this term, we want to express our appreciation for your support and encouragement. The children have embarked on incredible adventures, from crafting magical tales to exploring the Titanic's history and the wonders of the natural world. Their growth and achievements have been remarkable and we are very proud!


Year 6 Devon Blog - Day 1


Wednesday Word