Year 1 blog:
9 and 1 are number bonds, 8 and 2 are friends...
Do you know all the different ways you can make 10? Our Year 1 children have learnt all the number bonds to 10 and have used a part-part whole model to represent these. They have then applied this to find other fact families. They found out that there is more than one way to make the majority of whole numbers and sometimes there are many different ways!
Lost and Found!
When the children came back to school after half term, they found that there were lots of animals who were lost. In particular, they were looking for a lost penguin. They all went on a hunt around the school to find the penguin. The children found lots of animals such as a pig and owl on their hunt. As a class, the children discussed the appearance of the penguin. They have explored how to use more than one adjective to describe different parts of a penguin and have used 'and' to join their ideas together. Have you lost a penguin? If so, our Year 1 children may have found it!
Material Hunt!
Objects and their materials - Year 1 know the difference! The children have been exploring different objects and their materials using their touch and sight senses. Following some close observations, the children described what material they were made from, thinking about the properties. The children were able to identify objects that were made out of metal, plastic, glass and wood. They were able to use some incredibly tricky words to describe the materials such as transparent and opaque! If you need to know anything about materials, Year 1 have all of the knowledge for you!