Year 4 blog:


This half term in writing the children have been learning about the real life refugee crisis across the world. This is for their raising awareness campaign, where they will be choosing how they would like to raise awareness within their communities about this issue.  Within this topic the children have retrieved a range of skills from previous writing topics and are selecting the ones they believe will help them most within their writing to create their effect. Alongside this raising awareness campaign the children are producing a reflective journal, this will allow them to express their emotive responses to the facts that they are learning. The children have been inspired by the fact that everyone should be entitled to sanctuary and community. They have been able to link this learning to the Catholic Social Teaching principles of Solidarity, Human Dignity and the Common Good, understanding that the CSTs are the way we can all become "architects of a better world".


The children were very enthusiastic about our computing morning this half term. We have focussed on developing the children's word processing skills, ensuring they can edit text and images as well as use tools such as spellcheck to support them. They have produced some brilliant posters about the refugee crisis, linking to our Writing topic, to showcase the skills that they have been learning. 


It was a real treat this term to spend a whole day doing art. We explored the big question of "is collage really proper art?" by looking at the artists, Hannah Hoch and Henri Matisse. The children were able to develop different techniques for creating texture with paper (they particularly enjoyed using rulers to make coils!) They also experimented with overlapping and photomontage. The children created some really interesting final pieces and the fact we got to spend all day on it meant we could really immerse ourselves in the art.

Time Tables

At the beginning of June, the children will be having their Multiplication Check. It would be really beneficial for the children to be practising their times tables daily either through asking them times table questions randomly, playing on TTRockstars or by using


Year 5 blog:


Wednesday word: