Year R blog

This term we hit the ground running, exploring new things in our rotations and our play. We are continuing to build positive relationships with adults and their peers and are now well-adjusted to the routines at Holy Family. Here are some of the exciting things that we have been learning about so far in 2024: 

Literacy and Phonics 

Our Author of the Half term has been Jill Murphy and we have explored her work through our guided reading sessions and within our writing lessons. We began the term by creating family trees based on The Large Family and used these new skills to create our own family trees.  Reception Class have also been learning how to write in other formats, including lists, cards, invitations and stories. 

We have been continuing to follow the Pip and Pap phonics scheme and accessing the books in correlation to our reading ability. We are now using our phonics knowledge more and more in our writing, using sound mats to write longer words and sentences. We are beginning to notice writing all around us, reading from the class displays, signs and labels and we thank parents and carers for their continued support in reading with their children at home.  


After building a strong understanding of numbers to 10 in the Autumn Term, we have started to manipulate numbers through sharing, partitioning, adding and subtracting. We use concrete resources such as cubes, pom poms and numicon to help us to count accurately and see the maths happening in front of us.  

We have also been exposed to time, exploring different routines and the correlating times in the day. We each had our own clock and we were able to use the hands to show different times of the day, as well as reading the time on our friends' clocks.  

During our Chinese New Year celebration week, we learned about ordinal numbers and applied this in our retelling of the story of the Chinese Zodiac. The children created their own small world of the story and used ordinal numbers to evidence where each animal came in the race.  

Our teachers are all very proud of our attitude to learning and the progress we have made so far this year. We cannot wait to see where our learning takes us next! 


Blue Peter Book Club


Year 1 Blog