Year R blog:
This week in Science, the children linked their topic learning of the traditional tale 'The Gingerbread Man' to dissolving.
The children loved retelling the story and used puppets effectively, using key quotes from the story, such as "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man". They worked together and shared their ideas using their imagination. It was amazing to see!
The children then extended their learning linking it directly to being scientists by making predictions. The children predicted what would happen to the gingerbread man if he went into the river at the end of the story. Using key word cards as prompts, the children were able to use vocabulary which included 'hard', 'soft', 'dissolve', 'disappear', 'break' and 'crack'.
The children were able to articulate their ideas and used good fine motor skills to record them, before their tests. Using real gingerbread men, the children loved testing to see what happened to the biscuits. Using the story as a base to get the gingerbread man across the water, the children were able to explore and experiment with their ideas.
The children have loved having the opportunity to bake gingerbread biscuits. They listened beautifully, showing interest and waiting patiently to stir, mix and measure ingredients. The children used Mr Happy words to engage with the learning and were amazing at using them when baking. The children remembered the name of the ingredients and they were super excited to decorate their own biscuit. All the children had a biscuit and many decided to eat them right away, while some took them home! There has been so much amazing learning and lots of fun!