This half term Year 4 have been very adventurous, thinking about how to write a journey and discovering all about the Vikings.

In History, we have been exploring the question 'Were the Vikings just brutal savages?' Examining sources and artifacts to make up our minds. It has been fascinating to discover how the longboats were a key to their success as raiders and how they eventually stopped raiding and began to settle all over the world, finding the evidence of this in modern place names.

Our English Learning

Our writing topic has been to move through space using setting descriptions to create a journey. Some of these have been very chilling whilst others have been magical. The children have focussed on using a range of figurative language techniques to create their chosen effect, thinking deeply about how they want their reader to feel and what tools they can use to support them with this.

Our Maths Learning

In Maths we have been looking at perimeter and area exploring both the inside and the outside of 2D shapes. Ask us what the difference is?The children have been focussing on using addition and multiplication where appropriate to find the area or perimeter in the most efficient way. We have deepened our understanding by introducing some 2D shapes that include half squares as well as wholes.

Our Science Learning

We had a fantastic time this half term learning about sound. We have carried out a number of experiments to find out more. Last week we tested the best medium for sound to travel through, investigating and comparing how sound travelled through the particles in a solid, liquid and gas to form our conclusions. This sets the children up for our future science topic of states of matter later on in the school year.

Our Year 4 Mass:

Thank you to the parents who were able to make it to the Year 4 mass. Below you will find some pictures of our offertory, and readings. The children were excited to share this special time and to have Father Benjamin bless them. The children worked hard to create the beautiful pieces of artwork for the offentry, and the readers spoke clearly, allowing them to get across the special messages.


Wednesday Word


Wednesday Word